Friday 6 May 2011


Famiy purchasing is a kind of a art which evey one dosent have. Family purchasing includes the purschasing required for the family. This includes food stuff household items,and many more. Family purchasing should always be done in systematic way and it involves lots of mind and concentration. These days purchasing is becoming difficult because it completely depends on decision making process. If the decision is made correct then the purchasing done is valued or else its a waste.

The family purchasing decision is broadly based on four types:

1.Role Structure
2.Power Structure
3.Decision making stage
4.Family Culture 

Role Structure - Like in societies, families are also structued as roles and each member of the family is then occupied wih a specific role and a task that he/she has to do.Gender role preferences reflect culturally determined attitudes toward the role of husband and wife, mother and father in the household.

Power Structure - As there are differnt types of power people in a family so therefore the decision is also made by them only. for example the head of the family are the men so therefore men have more power to make a decision rather than any one else in the family. But in the matriarcal society women is the head of the family and makes all the decisions.

Decision making stage- Marketing people today are now more studying on the complete process of the purchasing done by a normal family rather than looking at just the final purchasng act. Each family member has its effect on the purchasing behaviour. For eg if a family wants to buy a car then the women will tell the need of what type the car should be and then the men will take that opinion and make a decision on the car. 

Family culture- Each and every family has its own internal way of culture which effects the purchasing decision. these internal culture can be based upon as financial circumstances,social up bringing, family values and many more.   

So therefore the above 4 points are considered as main criteria for any family purchasing.


In the modern world all the marketing companies are focussing on to grab te attention of children more than the adults. why is it so ? why do companies think that by doing this they can get more attention of people and get a successful business in it.

For example the big amusment parks likethe disney is a place which is totally focussed on children only and aims to get more and more children on it. However marketing which is done on children is expensive as compared to adults.It is just because of the amount of money that thy spend by themselves and the influence they have on their parents spending .

whilst this marketing on children was done on specific products like the toys and games, it has now changed to even clothes, shoes and many more. When i was a kid i was very fond of shoes and i would always insist my parents to get me a pair of shoes no matter how much it used to cost.

According to Powell (1993)Looking around the world it can be observed that in Australia children under 18 have an average spendin of around $31.60 to spend every week and they influence 70% on their parents clothes fast food and purchases.

In US there are about 57 million school going students who spend about $100 million per year on their own and their family money on foods drinks games clothes movies and many more.

So after having a look at the above ratio the car companies cannot ignore the children in their marketing.Car companies like Nissan sponsors the American youth soccer organisation in order to get exposure of their brands in front of the people. Crysler company distributes glossy cardboards opo-up cards that would appeal to the children who love pop-up books. 

According to Zoglin Children advertising mostly covers the outlet from news papers to television. In America before a child starts his/her schooling they will have spend around 5000 hours watching television. they will spend more time in watching televison rather than spending tim in class. 

According to Neal kids clubs, organised by retailers, producers and media outlets, have proliferated in recent times. They offer an opportunity to develop a more personal relationship with each child, get information about the children for marketing purposes that can be used for mailing lists and data bases, and to promote products to children of particular age groups and geographical locations.

According to Durning(1992) these additional forms of marketing have supplemented rather than replaced advertising as the importance of the children's market has grown. Their aim however is the same as advertising, to create brand loyalties and customers amongst children. Also, those wanting to sell goods recognise that some older children become somewhat cynical of advertisements and therefore publicity in children's newspapers and magazines as well as other marketing strategies are alternative ways of reaching these children.

Reference List

1.Richard Zoglin, `Is TV ruining our children?', Time, Vol. 136 (15 October 1990)
2.Powell and Zuel, op.cit.
3.McNeal, op.cit., pp. 173-5.
4.Alan Thein Durning, How Much is Enough: The Consumer Society and the Future of the Earth, ed. Linda Starke, Worldwatch Environmental Alert Series (London: Earthscan, 1992), p. 120.


Nostalgia can be said as a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time: a nostalgia for his college days.(dictionary .com)

Even today sometimes it comes in my mind about the different things which i used to enjoy when i was a child. for example even today when i turn on the TV i look for the cartoon network channel and see whats going on in it. my best cartoon was tom and jerry and i still love to watch it if its coming on the tele. apart from this i used to love eating fast foods very much. after every day or two i used to hve a Mc Donalds burger in my hand (which now can be seen in my weight). Whenever i used to go out with my family Mc Donalds was one common place where we used to stop every time.

Apart from this i was and still very very fond of cars. i used to have a toy car always in my hand and i always used to rub its tyres on the carpet or on the floor and also making the engine sounds from my mouth. when ever i used to buy a toy car i used to see that whether its doors are opening or not. Today when i think about it i always have a big laugh at it. My other part of entertainment was playing video games of robocop and many more. still i love to play those games eventough its been a long time.
According to solomon(2010) nostalgia means a bitter sweet emotion where we view the past with both sadness and longing.

The link below highlights some nostaliga memories of the 80s and makes us remember about some of the things we have forgotten about which were very famous at that time.

Many companies have used nostaliga aspect to bring back the peoples memory which thy have forgotten and to create a spirit in them. for example marketing companies like the coca-cola develops adverts which highlights nostalgia feature in them.

Personally i still have the spirit in me and i still remmber my past when i was a child. the types of fun i used to make the activities i used to do makes me laugh today.

Reference List
Solomon M R,Bamossy G,Askgaard S,Hogg M,Consumer behaviour a european perspective,4th ed,Harlow,Pearson'sEducation LTD


According to Douglas (2001) culture determines what is acceptable or unacceptable, important or unimportant, right or wrong, workable or unworkable. It encompasses all learned and shared,assumptions, beliefs, knowledge, norms, and values, as well as attitudes, behavior, dress, and language.

According to taylor(1871)Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.

In different parts of the world different type of culture is being followed. people who are from different type of culture come to know about other cultures and the different types of their way of living etc.
Solomon has described culture as the values,rituals and traditional,material object,services produced by the members of society.(Solomon M,Bamossy G,Askegaard S & Hogg M 2010).

Culture is considered as one of the most important aspect in once life. for example some families love to have dinner all together on the dinner table is also a culture which they follow. 
countries like India can be said as an example who follows traditonal culture eventhough the country is multi- cultured and vast.India holds 28 different languages which are spoken in India. the marketing companies need to think about all the different types of people who are in india and not focus on a single religion.

From a marketing perspective it would be impossible to create adverts for each and every language that people speak in India, especially with the country being to vast with a population of around 1.2 billion (BBC, 2011), it is for this reason that a company who wish to sell a product in a country such as India should base their adverts specifically in one language that can be understood by the majority of the population, namely Hindi. As Hindi is the mother toungue of all the indian so therefore adverts placed in this language will be able to reach easily to ever person in different parts of India.

Personally i am always very keen to know about the different cultures in the world. On my last christmas holiday i went to dubai and i explored the arab culture. their culture in just amazing andthe way they greet the other culture people is very appreciated. Although their first language is arabic but still they do not hasitate in conversating in english language and feel comfortable in talking in it. As dubai is such a developed country which now includes the worlds longest tower.People from all the different parts of the world come to see the glamour of Dubai so therefore the goverment of dubai has no restrictions and allows all the types of people from different parts to come and visit their country.Out of the total dubai population 55% of the population are the expactriates who are living(BBC,2009). So it can be seen that how the goverment of dubai encourages in knowing and mixing different cultures.

Companies like coca cola uses the culture as their base for marketing. the link below of a coca-cola advert is made using the culture as its base showing different countries.

Marketers need to always have the full information and be updated with the culture of the country they are going in . for this the best way that they can use is outsourcing which would help them in knowing about the people their taste culture and many more.

The next two links are of the culture difference between India & Uk and how coca-cola has made different adverts for both of them

In both the above links it can be observed that the company has used the culture as the base to advert themselves.

Reference List

Solomon M, Bamossy G, ASkegaard S & Hogg M, 2010, Consumer behaviour a european perspective, 4th edition, Harlow, Pearsons Education LTD.

BBC News,2011,India country profile,(online),BBC,Available at 
(accessed 4th april 2011)

Wednesday 27 April 2011


In the modern world in which we are living today involves many types of differences in terms of the peoples habits, style attitude, class of living and many more. all these aspects lead to one major difference in each ad every community which is called as a social class. people everywhere in the world are divided in the different type of classes whether its middle class or lower class or higher class. these classes then distinguishes many thing like how they behave their
capabilities to understand things literacy level and many more.
in other words social class can also be defined as the difference between powerful and the powerless. he word ELITE is being used fo the people who posses as being powerful and have a high level of thinking and living.

Broadly the classes are divided as follow:
Upper Class – Elite
Represent institutional leadership, heads of multinational corporations, foundations, universities
Capitalist elite – owners of lands, stocks and bonds and other assets – wealth derived from what they own
Forbes magazine publishes a list of the 400 wealthiest families in America. In 1997, net worth had to be at least $475 million.Bill Gates, in that year, had net worth pf 39.8 billion. Of all the wealth represented on the Forbes list, more than half is inherited. Newly acquired wealth, nouveau riche, have vast amounts of money but not often accepted into “old money” circles.

Upper Middle Class
Represent scientific and technical knowledge – engineers, accountants, lawyers, architects, university faculty, managers and directors of public and private organizations. Have both high incomes and high social prestige. Well-educated. Difficult to define a “middle class” (i.e. upper middle, middle middle and lower middle) probably the largest class group in the United States – because being middle class is more that just income, about lifestyles and resources, etc.

Lower Middle Class
Provide support for professionals
Engage in data collection., record-keeping
Paralegals.\, bank tellers, sales
Blue-collar workers in skilled trades

Working Class
Craft workers
Laborers in factories
Restaurant workers
Nursing home staff
Repair shops, garages
Delivery services

Working poor – work full-time at wages below poverty line
Social services

Social class is one of the most important concepts that sociologists discuss and yet its definition is often illusive

The link below shows that how the people are categorised in different types of classes and how their way of living and style changes

Syed Jafri
Business And Management Student

Wednesday 9 February 2011


Values are considered as one of the most important aspect in a human beings life. Values can be used to define about the complete person in terms of how he/she behaves and how he/she interacts with the other indivituals.
Values can be defined as a belief about some desirable end-state that transcends specific situations and guides selection of behaviour.thus values are general and different from attitude in that they do not apply to specific situations only.
A persons set of values plays a very important role in their consumption activities,since many products and services are purchsed because they help us to attain a value-related goal.

Every culture has a set of core value that it imparts to its members.for example people in one culture might feel that being a unique indivitual is preferable to subordinating one's identity to the group,while other group may emphasize the virtues of group membership.

Every culture is characterized by its members endorsement of a value system.these end-state may not be equally endorsed by everyone,and in some cases values may even seem to contradict one another

Values have not been as widely applied to direct examinations of consumr behaviour as might be expected.One reason is that broad based concept such as freedom,security are more likely to affect general purchases patterns rather than to differentiate between brands within a product category.For this some reserchers have found it convinient to make distinctions among broad based cultural values such as security or happiness; consumption specific values such as convinient shopping or prompt services and product-specific values such as ease of use or duribility,that effects the reletive importance people in different cultures place on posessions.

Shared values can be defined as explicit or implicit fundamental beliefs, concepts, and principles that underlie the culture of an organization, and which guide decisions and behavior of its employees, management, and members.
Shared values are what endangers trust and link an organisation together.Shared links are also the identity by which an organisation is known throughout its business areas.As Steve Jobs the co-founder of apple puts in that 'the only thing that works is management by values'

Below is the video which highlights that how schools play the most important role in educating people with the importance of values.

Saturday 15 January 2011


 Gender has been used primarily to refer to the grammatical categories of "masculine," "feminine," and "neuter," but in recent years the word has become well established in its use to refer to sex-based categories, as in phrases such as gender gap and the politics of gender. This usage is supported by the practice of many anthropologists, who reserve sex for reference to biological categories, while using gender to refer to social or cultural categories. According to this rule, one would say The effectiveness of the medication appears to depend on the sex (not gender) of the patient, but In peasant societies, gender (not sex) roles are likely to be more clearly defined. This distinction is useful in principle, but it is by no means widely observed, and considerable variation in usage occurs at all levels.

Gender is a set ofcharacteristics distinguishing between male and female, particularly in the cases of men and women. Depending on the context, the discriminating characteristics vary from sex to social role to gender identity. In 1955, sexologist John Money introduced the terminological distinction between biological sex and gender as a role.
Gender is now commonly used even to refer to the physiology of nonhuman animals, without any implication of social gender roles

Men are different from women. That would seem to be self-evident. They are different in aptitude, skill and behaviour, but then, so is every individual person. So why do we make such a fuss about it? It seems not unreasonable to suggest that the sexes are different because their brains are different, but then no two human brains are the same. It is suggested that our culture is in trouble because many women have been brought up to believe they should be as good as a man.

Why are girls more successful at school? Perhaps emphasis on communication in projects and exams submerges differences. Success at school nowadays depends on being able to writes essays and examination papers. If girls are better at verbal communication than boys, then they are likely to succeed. But, if there are more boys in remedial reading classes, does it not imply a serious defect in our educational system?
In general, men are taller and heavier than women. In sports, men tend to outperform women in strength and speed. Women seem to have greater endurance. In spite of many attempts, sports have never become completely unisex.

All males are different from females in terms of there buying product from themselves
Yet, for example, Ward and Whipp suggested that running speeds for male and female athletes have improved steadily through the twentieth century, but women have improved much more than men. Dyer found the same for athletics, swimming and cycling. Both predicted that sex differences might disappear by the middle of the next century. However Seiler and Sailer point out that, since the date of their studies, the rate of improvement has much reduced. They suggest a temporal correlation with the use of performance enhancing drugs, and their more recent proscription. These have a greater effect on women, than they do with men, since the latter are already well supplied with testosterone.
Men, it is said, are generally more aggressive, physically and verbally, and enjoy taking risks. They play fighting games and enjoy 'dares.' More men than women are convicted for crimes, especially crimes of violence.

A recent news story discussed the shopping habits of women, revealing that the recession hasn't changed them much. In addition surveys have found that women lie about what they purchase and how much they spend.A survey of 1500 British women done by a British women's magazine called Marie Claire found women are savvy in terms of lying to their partners about their spending habits. In fact what the magazine found was that women haven't changed the way they spend during the recession but tend to lie more about it. The magazine reports, "Forty per cent said they had bought clothes or beauty products which they had kept secret from their other halvls. And 80 per cent of the new clothes, shoes and handbags bought were kept secret."
So looking at this it can be understood easily that recession can hit everyone exept womens.
When it comes to technology, men shop and women buy. That is, men browse, looking for something cool even if they may not need anything at the moment. How many megapixels are digital cameras up to? How much does a high-end laptop computer cost? Familiarizing themselves with the answers to such questions lets men advise friends on purchases or quickly narrow down the options for a purchase of their own in the future. Men get these specs by reading written displays, either in-store or online. While women may discuss the cute skirt they just bought, men talk to friends about the cool features of their new videocamera or iPhone apps
Women are on a mission in high-tech stores, and they are looking for an item to meet their own immediate needs and those of their families. They care less about a computer's specs and more about what it can do for them. When selling to women, retailers would be wise to market high-tech products "like refrigerators instead of like scientific instruments." This is because women are generally less interested in what kind of wireless technology a digital camera uses; they care more about whether they can easily share photos with friends on facebook or not.
The video below explains more in detail of the basic differences between males and females