Friday, 6 May 2011

According to Douglas (2001) culture determines what is acceptable or unacceptable, important or unimportant, right or wrong, workable or unworkable. It encompasses all learned and shared,assumptions, beliefs, knowledge, norms, and values, as well as attitudes, behavior, dress, and language.

According to taylor(1871)Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.

In different parts of the world different type of culture is being followed. people who are from different type of culture come to know about other cultures and the different types of their way of living etc.
Solomon has described culture as the values,rituals and traditional,material object,services produced by the members of society.(Solomon M,Bamossy G,Askegaard S & Hogg M 2010).

Culture is considered as one of the most important aspect in once life. for example some families love to have dinner all together on the dinner table is also a culture which they follow. 
countries like India can be said as an example who follows traditonal culture eventhough the country is multi- cultured and vast.India holds 28 different languages which are spoken in India. the marketing companies need to think about all the different types of people who are in india and not focus on a single religion.

From a marketing perspective it would be impossible to create adverts for each and every language that people speak in India, especially with the country being to vast with a population of around 1.2 billion (BBC, 2011), it is for this reason that a company who wish to sell a product in a country such as India should base their adverts specifically in one language that can be understood by the majority of the population, namely Hindi. As Hindi is the mother toungue of all the indian so therefore adverts placed in this language will be able to reach easily to ever person in different parts of India.

Personally i am always very keen to know about the different cultures in the world. On my last christmas holiday i went to dubai and i explored the arab culture. their culture in just amazing andthe way they greet the other culture people is very appreciated. Although their first language is arabic but still they do not hasitate in conversating in english language and feel comfortable in talking in it. As dubai is such a developed country which now includes the worlds longest tower.People from all the different parts of the world come to see the glamour of Dubai so therefore the goverment of dubai has no restrictions and allows all the types of people from different parts to come and visit their country.Out of the total dubai population 55% of the population are the expactriates who are living(BBC,2009). So it can be seen that how the goverment of dubai encourages in knowing and mixing different cultures.

Companies like coca cola uses the culture as their base for marketing. the link below of a coca-cola advert is made using the culture as its base showing different countries.

Marketers need to always have the full information and be updated with the culture of the country they are going in . for this the best way that they can use is outsourcing which would help them in knowing about the people their taste culture and many more.

The next two links are of the culture difference between India & Uk and how coca-cola has made different adverts for both of them

In both the above links it can be observed that the company has used the culture as the base to advert themselves.

Reference List

Solomon M, Bamossy G, ASkegaard S & Hogg M, 2010, Consumer behaviour a european perspective, 4th edition, Harlow, Pearsons Education LTD.

BBC News,2011,India country profile,(online),BBC,Available at 
(accessed 4th april 2011)

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