In the modern world in which we are living today involves many types of differences in terms of the peoples habits, style attitude, class of living and many more. all these aspects lead to one major difference in each ad every community which is called as a social class. people everywhere in the world are divided in the different type of classes whether its middle class or lower class or higher class. these classes then distinguishes many thing like how they behave their
in other words social class can also be defined as the difference between powerful and the powerless. he word ELITE is being used fo the people who posses as being powerful and have a high level of thinking and living.
Broadly the classes are divided as follow:
Upper Class – Elite
Represent institutional leadership, heads of multinational corporations, foundations, universities
Capitalist elite – owners of lands, stocks and bonds and other assets – wealth derived from what they own
Forbes magazine publishes a list of the 400 wealthiest families in America . In 1997, net worth had to be at least $475 million.Bill Gates, in that year, had net worth pf 39.8 billion. Of all the wealth represented on the Forbes list, more than half is inherited. Newly acquired wealth, nouveau riche, have vast amounts of money but not often accepted into “old money” circles.
Upper Middle Class
Represent scientific and technical knowledge – engineers, accountants, lawyers, architects, university faculty, managers and directors of public and private organizations. Have both high incomes and high social prestige. Well-educated. Difficult to define a “middle class” (i.e. upper middle, middle middle and lower middle) probably the largest class group in the United States – because being middle class is more that just income, about lifestyles and resources, etc.
Lower Middle Class
Engage in data collection., record-keeping
Paralegals.\, bank tellers, sales
Blue-collar workers in skilled trades
Working Class
Craft workers
Laborers in factories
Restaurant workers
Nursing home staff
Repair shops, garages
Delivery services
Working poor – work full-time at wages below poverty line
Social services
The link below shows that how the people are categorised in different types of classes and how their way of living and style changes
Syed Jafri
Business And Management Student